Words That Hurt once said although forgiven can never be taken back
Did you ever say something or do something you'd give just about anything to take back or rewind time so it never happened? Did it dawn on you that if you just took a few moments to reflect, pray, or meditate, think ahead you wouldn't have said or done it? No matter what anyone says once words enter the air they are there forever. Forgiveness a strong virtue and a must if you intend to survive this life and possibly the next, does not always include forgetting.
Trust is earned once broken with a deed or statement may never be rebuilt even though that person(s) may live and let live, they are never the same toward you. This happens far too often and alot of times between families. Siblings, children - parents, etc. How glorious it would be if we . Engaged our brains , before we engaged our mouths or motor skills!!!!!
I'm sure we're all guilty of that from time to time. But, you're right of course. The Bible says to be slow to speak. Good words!
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