Contact: Jen Baker
Interest: Advocacy & Human Rights - Arts & Culture - Youth
Area: Race & Ethnicity
Mission Statement
??One Spirit ? is a Native American service program founded to assist Native American families and children who live in extreme poverty situations on Reservations. Our present programs (child and elder sponsorship, bed project, Food co-op. The Lakota theatre project, and the craft market) are focused onPine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. Our mission is to help meet basic needs and to support the initiatives of the Lakota people to preserve and revitalize the Lakota culture , language, and self-sufficiency.
One Spirit is a virtual organizationthat is managed by voluteer staff from their homes across the US. We work in collaboration with the Natives on Pine Ridge and with OweAku a Native American 501c3 organization on Pine Ridge SPONSORSHIP PROGRAM. One Spirit presently sponsors over 500 children and more than 100 elders on Pine Ridge. We have a waiting list of 600 children and elders. Our goal is to assist the Native Americans with programs that stimulate economic development on their Reservation and One Spirit is a virtual organization that is managed by volunteer staff from their homes across the country. We work in collaboration with the Natives on the Pine Ridge and with the OweAku, a Native American 501c3 organization on Pine RidgeSPONSORSHIP PROGRAM One Spirit presently sponsors 500 children and more than 100 elders on Pine Ridge. We have a waiting list of 600 children and elsers. Our goal is to assist the Native Americans with programs that stimulate economic development on their Reservation and maintain their cultural identity. The mission of the Sponsorship program is to provide support so families can adequately care for their children and elders. To ease the pain that comes from a lack of the physical necessitites of food, clothing, znd protection from the COLD . To promote qn inter-cultural relationship that removes the curtain of the unknown and returns the First Americans to a valued place in our society... THE LAKOTA THEATRE PROJECT the Lakota Theatre Project communicates the struggles of the Lakota people and offers a way for outsiders to enter the Lakota culture. We believe that bringing aattention to their way of life on the reservation will generate support for programs that help the Lakota people to regain their identity and their culture and improve the quality of their lives. While there are no simple answers to the complex problems facing the Lakota, there are no simple answers to the complex problems facing the Lakota, there are people who are working to make a change politically, socially, and culturally from within the tribe. The Lakota are fully aware that most of the people living in America know nothing about them, and those that do understand little. they and their people have been waiting a long time to be recognized and respected by non - native Americans.
I am a member and my family sponsors three families at the Pine Ridge through this organization which also allows direct contactg and direct assistance fromt he sponsor to the family(s) they assist also- Tax Deductible!!!"
"Please check them out we are all related"
"Little Feather"
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