When I was growing up it was really tough. I was raised by my Paternal Grandparents. Aunts, Uncles and cousins were very resentful. My parents were married very young and I was the firstborn. I had a very difficult childhood. I would cry and I can remember my Grandfather saying, and I Quote"You cannot pick your blood line, but you can choose your family". Well at the time and being so young. I did not quite understand. I do now. I am grateful for that man he is my hero. My Grandfather my Pappa. Although he is no longer here he will remain in my heart and soul for the rest of my life. If not for The Creator and my Pappa, I know I would never have survived in this world. He left me a legacy that no one could ever take away or alter.
He taught me to take the high road, that it doesn't matter what "they" do, it only matters what "I" do. For in the end I will answer for myself. What "they" answer for is on "them". I try to live each day treating others as I hope to be treated. To pause to hear and listen to my husband and children. To watch my grandchildren grow, learn, laugh, & play. To say I love you and I care everyday. My legacy to them is my love and committment. I have learned to choose wisely who I allow into my life and theirs. Not all is what it seems and caution is the order of these days we live in. But I also leave the legacy that all human hearts are human and diversity is a wonderful asset in this world. That people are people and the color of their skin, ethnicity, or religion, or origin only makes life more fullfilling and diverse. Diversity is a good thing. My "family" is very diverse . I like it that way and I want to leave this plain knowing that my "family " is a part of the Creators family "The Human Race". That they will not judge others based on racism, hatred & biggotry. Take each person for who they are and even if they do not match what you have grown to believe, they still have a right to believe it. That there are no borders for God. How can one man own the land on which another man walks? That came from a Native American Chief and makes so much sense to me now. Embrace one another, do good to one another, choose your family. Let it be the family of the Human Race.
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